I should really update this more often. But life can be busy!
The pinball build started well. Mostly have built the cabinet so far, with small amounts of work going into the inside gubbins. If you want to catch up the videos start here:
That's episode one. In which I mostly chop big bits of wood up and make smaller bits of wood. Extremely precise bits of wood. I am getting better at the woodwork side of this. Also, I think I might be getting better at the videos. Although I'm not sure if I am primetime. In fact, I know that isn't the case, my videos are long and detailed in all the wrong ways. But I put them up for the sake of posterity, not to win any popularity competitions. And it makes me smile when I get nice feedback, also makes me smile when I get negative feedback - seriously. The last time someone said something a little snarky I managed to use it on Twitter to bag a whole load of followers! Laughed my ass right off.
There are three more videos in the series so far.
I might have to stop featuring myself in the thumbnails. It's like I'm trying to put people off on purpose.
Enjoy, and let me know what you think! Good or bad! Even if you are from the future!